Inspired by Rushie & his Mum, aka MAMA RUSH.

We’re MAMA RUSH - a homemade, no-BS London-born brand, ready to kick your tastebuds’ butts.

Tired of not being able to find a proper hot chilli sauce on the market - or one that isn’t loaded with e-numbers and fine print - we’ve decided to bring a taste of our home to the party.

If you like it hot, get ready for MAMA RUSH - HOT SAUCE LIKE HOME. Add a few drops in whilst cooking, mix it into your meal, dip into it, dab it, do what you dare - but use it because it has 0% preservatives, 0% artificial flavours, made with 100% heart & heat.

We’re coming in hot with two brand new hot sauces, FIRE SCOTCH BONNET and HOT BIRDS’ CHILLI.


Hot Sauce like Home.

Rushie, now entrepreneur & Director of global skipping & lifestyle brand Rush Athletics, grew up eating authentic, healthy homemade chilli sauce. He’s now joined forces with the heart behind his love for chilli - his Mum, bringing you MAMA RUSH. HOME IS WHERE THE HEAT IS.